Select Your YPS Listing Subscription

Help customers easily find your business online by verifying your company information and listing details. But don't stop there, subscribe to our Enhanced Digital Visibility plan by selecting any of our premium subscription plans.

NOTE: All submissions must comply with our submission guidelines. Any payment made for premium subscription is for the sole purpose of getting your submission reviewed by our editors and does not guarantee acceptance.

Basic Listing


  • Directory Submission
  • Company Name
  • Company Info
  • Business Contact Number
  • Business Address
  • Company Website URL

Bronze Listing

199 / year

  • Directory Submission
  • Company Name
  • Company Info
  • Business Contact Number
  • Business Address
  • Company Website URL
  • Company Logo
  • Image Gallery
  • Business Contact Email
  • Business Enquiry Form

Silver Listing

299 / year

  • Directory Submission
  • Company Name
  • Company Info
  • Business Contact Number
  • Business Address
  • Company Website URL
  • Company Logo
  • Image Gallery
  • Business Contact Email
  • Business Enquiry Form
  • Facebook URL
  • Twitter URL
  • Instagram URL
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Business Opening Hours
  • Business Special Offers

Gold Listing

599 / year

  • Directory Submission
  • Company Name
  • Company Info
  • Business Contact Number
  • Business Address
  • Company Website URL
  • Company Logo
  • Image Gallery
  • Business Contact Email
  • Business Enquiry Form
  • Facebook URL
  • Twitter URL
  • Instagram URL
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Business Opening Hours
  • Business Special Offers
  • Events Listings
  • Write-for-You Service

Here's How YPS Listings Help Grow Your Business

Increased Digital Presence

Help consumers find your business easily by building up your profile with accurate listing information.

Trusted Brand Name

Having a verified Yellow Pages listing gives consumers the assurance your business is recognised.

Lasting First Impression

With a professionally written profile, consumers are almost guaranteed to love your brand.

Mobile Responsive & Ready

Consumers are going mobile which means your business listing has to be mobile friendly and easy to find. Plus the search engines will love it.

Search Engine Visibility

With proper optimisation we will help get your business listings found on the various search engines making it easier for consumers to find you online.

Data Driven Approach

By connecting your business listing with Google Analytics, you'll get clearer insights on how consumers interact online.